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Satsang, Kirtan, & Sound Journey

First, Sara and Nirmal offer satsang, a gathering of shared space where we’ll explore the teachings of the yoga philosophy, followed by a yogic experience of vibration as sound. We’ll practice some kirtan and then be bathed by Nirmal’s Sound Journey musical offering.

We’ll have some refreshments and time to just be in community with each other afterward, for those who wish to stay.

Nirmal Chandraratna is a New York City–based Kirtan artist and composer with a passion for nurturing connection— to spirit, to community, and to one's deeper self— through music. Using the voice, the harmonium and the cello, he creates music for Kirtan and meditation, and works for communal performance. You can listen to music and media at

February 19

Fundraiser Community Class

March 21

Self-Compassion Workshop